Writing has always been a passion of mine, and as I continue to experience life and grow older, I find myself wanting to share my journey. It has joys and pitfalls, mountains and valleys...but one thing remains constant and that is the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The good, the bad and the ugly comments
The cute kiddie comments:
1. "Are you pregnant?"-2nd grader last week
2. "Is it a boy or girl?"-little girl (maybe 5 yrs old)
"Girls are late, you know."-little girl
3. "I'm pregnant."-Me
"Are you MARRIED?!?!"-student
4. (Joshua drops off a water for me while I am in the classroom tutoring a student.)
"So do you know who that is?"-Me
"Your boyfriend?"-student
Adult comments: (Guess which ones made me smile and which ones made me cry.)
1. "When is your due date again? You look like you're about to explode!"
2. "How much longer do you have?" (I tell her 7 weeks.) "Are you sure there's just one in there?!?"
3. "You look so cute!"
4. "You look like you're six months pregnant." (Told to me today.)
5. "You don't look pregnant from the back."
6. "Does your belly button hurt?? Oh-I can't look at it."
7. "All pregnant women are beautiful!"
I will think of more, I am sure. I try to block out the mean comments...haha. I guess when you feel ugly, huge and are pumped full of hormones, some things hurt more than others. The important thing is that my daughter and I are healthy. I cannot wait to meet this precious little girl!! =) (We will see if she comes on or before Dec. 22nd.)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Time for an Update
2. I had a strep scare but I did not get strep. I had a nasty cold and think I am in for round two of it since everyone at work has it.
3. I think we have decided on a name..at least a first name.
4. We took a childbirth class-thanks, Moores. Your suggestion was great! (And the one day went by so quickly. I was a bit shocked!)
5. Soccer season is still going, so life is still busy and Joshua is exhausted.
6. I feel large.
7. I am on a doctor rotation now and have been told I have gained too much weight. Pleasant.
8. I got a new haircut that I love.
9. Teachers have not had a day off of school since Labor Day, and don't get another day off until Thanksgiving.
10. We found some great baby stuff for cheap at the Flea Market at school. (whoo-hoo!)
11. I met with my doula last night...you may know her as Jessica Hoover! Yay!
Well that about wraps it up for now. I should try to blog more, huh??
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
May the third trimester begin...

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Diaper Dilemma
Friday, August 22, 2008
This is National Geographic LIVE!

The other night the window was open and I thought we had another bear in the yard since I heard something scuttering in the seed area. Joshua shined a flashlight and there were a bunch of little eyes staring back at us. It was our racoon babies all grown up! (Okay so I like to think it was the same babies from a few months ago..who knows.) Today I came home to a big turkey. Usually when we have turkeys it is more than one...well, this guy was a loner. I couldn't get a good, up close picture because they are skittish. This is the best I could do...
This concludes the wildlife lesson of today. I think we should start charging people admission to come over...we could be the new Nature Center! Ha.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Bear Sighting Number Four
Monday, August 11, 2008
My finds at WeeTrade
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I love a good deal, don't you?
Dates and Times for the Sale:
Friday 8am-6pm
Saturday 8am-5pm
Sunday "Discount Day" Noon-4pm
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The BIG news!
baby in the womb is....
My intuitions have been completely wrong for these past few months, and our precious little girl has been called a boy all this time. Poor little thing. Now we know, so we can be better parents. Haha. We are so excited about having a girl in a few months. The thought of Joshua with a little girl melts me. Anyways, I will write more when I am not worn out from a day outside.
Thanks for all the prayers...keep them coming!
Monday, July 21, 2008
A video worth watching
Counting my Blessings
My parents saved ALL my baby stuff...and I mean really just about ALL my stuff. They saved my crib, blankets, clothes, toys, books and more. I wanted to go through these things with my mom so we could sort and decide what to keep and what not to keep. I was very excited about it! Well, some of these things have been stored at my parents' home and some of it has been in our basement. Well, as you know our house has been undergoing some reconstruction, and fixing up. Well, as it turns out we have had a slight leak in part of the basement..which is where these boxes were sitting. So, we started pulling the boxes out, many of which you could see mold before we even opened them. I was about to lose it. Thankfully, most of the things were still okay in the boxes. We sadly had to get rid of some stuffed animals, books. and some toys. (I hated throwing away books but thankfully again it was not a lot.) In a way it was a weird blessing because we got rid of a lot of my old stuff I had been saving for no good reason (non baby stuff) and threw it away too. Anyways, I HATE mold, and going through my old things was not as fun as I had hoped it would be, but I am thankful we were able to salvage as much as we could. I have to keep counting His blessings. Although, I still HATE mold and it is one of the most evil 4 letter words ever.
P.S. For those concerned..I did wear a mask and hardly touched a thing. The End.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Yard Sales, fun finds and belly touching
P.S. If anyone has any preggy clothes you do not want anymore, or that you would like to remove from your closet for a season...please let me know. I would love to wear them for you! =)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The latest newz
I am thankful for feeling better...thank the Lord! We find out July 31st if the baby is a boy or a girl!!! I cannot believe that it is here already. It seems like only days ago that I stayed awake all night because I had just taken a preggy test and it was positive. Haha.
So, what do YOU think the baby is?? Boy or girl??
Oh and my child unfortunately has no name because name decisions are too difficult and stressful. So far, our baby has nice nicknames...Spawn (Joshua likes to call the baby his spawn), Bob, Euticus, and others...
Well, that is about all. I will keep you updated.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Summer Vacation

Friday, June 20, 2008
Bear Sighting Number 3
Then we came home...I took the dogs out since Jack was begging to play fetch in the front yard. I had asked Josh earlier this week when he thought we would see our next bear since every year we have lived here, we have had one of these black fuzzy visitors. He told me we would probably see one before winter..before they hibernate. That is usually when they come. WELL...I go outside with the dogs (who are loose of course). Maggie is whining, not coming off of the front porch and I figure she is just cranky cuz we are in the yard and she is not. Well, I thought about fetching the ball towards the woods but for some reason decided not to. Boy am I glad I didn't. I hear a loud crunch and decide to check it out (usually when I hear crunching it is birds or other small animals)--well it was a big black bear down the front yard by our creek. (Maybe this is why Maggie was whining??) I don't know how long he had been near us and he did not seem bothered to be close to us but I was bothered. I grabbed Maggie by the collar and told Jack to come inside and thank GOD he followed me in without seeing the bear. I do not know what he would have done if he had seen it. Thankfully we all got inside safely. My parents and my cousin were here so they all got to take a peek at him! So, my cousin believes me...that we have bears from time to time. We went out on the front porch so I could try to get a picture of him but he went into the brush. So, we listened to him walk slowly toward our neighbor's house and I have no picture. But if you have been keeping up with our bears, he is in between the size of the first and second one we have had here so far.
You never know when you will have an exciting experience at the Stones!
It has been about 30 minutes and I am just now calming down. Haha.
Better to see you with, my dear.
I ran into Dawn Moore after my appointment...because if you have been keeping up with her blog, you know she is a mall walker now...and she told me her eyes changed differently for each pregnancy. Then I told my parents, and my dad informed me that I am the reason why my mom can no longer wear contacts. Strange, huh? Well, this baby must be helpin me out in the eye category. I pray that he/she gets Joshua's 20/20 vision!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Our new porsche...I mean porch

Friday, June 13, 2008
Wksh wksh wksh
I wanted to say again...THANK YOU to all of you who are praying. I know it sounds weird to say but I swear I can tell when I am being prayed for...my anxiety slips away and I have better days. So, keep them coming!
Here is the latest photo of preggers...Josh took this in the evening..when I look bigger...haha..

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Baby Stone

Bathroom Addition

Just call me Fertile Myrtle
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Summer is here!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Today's Adventure
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ode to a Cherry blossom tree

So, if you live in Asheville you know that the weather here is WACKY!! As in...snow flurries in April! It frustrates me how it always seems to frost or almost frost after my trees and bushes are starting to bud. Well, I am prepared this year, my friends! I have covered up my azalea bushes (see below) and even my day lilies get their own pillow cases (heehee). How lovely my yard looks now. Haha.
Now, my BEAUTIFUL cherry blossom tree(above on right) that has only been blooming for a whopping weekend may not make it tonight. (The weather is still "up in the air"-pardon the unintentional pun there.) Here's to hoping...but let's be realistic. Her blossoms may surely die in the cold night. So, I went outside and spent some time with her on this nasty, cold, wet day to make sure she knows she is loved. I think she knows it now...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Random spring cleaning...or something.
Friday, March 28, 2008
It's a dog park here!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Could it Be??
So, as you know we are on spring break. No we have not gone anywhere like most of the students have, but we are getting our basement done!!! Yay!! In about 4-6 weeks our master bathroom may be here also. What can I say? By summer we may finally be able to play around the outside of our house for a change. Who would have thought?
Pics coming soon....
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Spring Break!!
So, spring break is finally here and I could not be happier!!! Josh and I are still tossing up vacation ideas, and who knows if we will ever get out of here but we'll see soon I guess. My first official business once I got home was a NAP! I have not had one of these in ages. It is amazing how your body knows when it is time for a break. Anyways, if you have any great places or ideas for us for a great spring break, let me know. If we go anywhere we will probably camp since we are poor and our folks kindly gave us their pop-up camper. So far our ideas for spring break are:
-Savannah, GA (I love history AND the beach of course!)
-Wilmington, NC (One of my best friends lives here!)
-Stay home and fix up the house
What do you think??
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Today of all days...
Sooo, our school is undergoing some ACSI accredidation. (We are accredited by the Classical School people but we are getting another one since ACSI is a great thing to have when you are a Christian school.) ANYWAYS.... so there are people from the ACSI team at our school this week. They are observing classes, asking us questions...making sure we are doing what we say we are doing, and doing it well basically. Now for my story...
We have "bouncy chairs" as the kids fondly call them for the students to sit in if they choose. These are plastic chairs on wheels in which the seat is a bouncy ball. This is a great "tool" if you have fidgety, energetic kids. It allows them to bounce a bit, while maintaining balance at the same time. I won't go into all the functions of the chair. So anyways, an ACSI person comes into my classroom and mouths to me "Can I watch?" Of course, I say "yes" now being nervous since I am being watched by a stranger. The point is that my tiny little first grade student was not sitting on the ball chair properly, and yes---he fell out of the chair and onto the floor. The observer looked a bit shocked...as was I...while thinking...yes, this completely makes sense that this would happen to me. Thankfully the student was okay and laughed it off but I am sure that left a lovely impression on the observer. Everything seems to happen to me at the worst moments. Well, who knows if I passed evaluation or not but let's just say, I am beginning to be less and less shocked with these types of moments in my life. The End.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Kids are hilarious!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Snow Days...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I heart flowers!

So, as some of you may know I have been having this terrible week that has continued to get worse. Well, today I whined to Leah about the latest tragedy...she is a wonderful listener. Then a few hours later I hear the doorbell ring. There is Leah and Ben with beautiful daisies for me!! What a wonderful surprise. I am so blessed. God is so good to give us wonderful friends and sweet surprises when we really do not deserve them. I think I am about to cry so I am gonna go now.
Thank you, Leah!!! I love you!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Laugh for the day...

So, Joshua was outside playing with the dogs and smoking a cigar in a nice jacket. I told him not to wear the jacket because it would make it stink. So, he came inside, put a sweater on instead and went back out. I told him the sweater was no better. (Heaven forbid I would have to go to the dry cleaners!)
So, he surprised me at the window, outside, in the COLD...with no top on at all...showing his muscles. I have not laughed this hard in a LOOONG time. So, I went outside with my camera and made him pose again. I thought I would show you so you could smile too. I love my muscle man.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
When bad weeks get worse...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Camping this weekend.

Here are the pics I promised.
Josh is getting ready to crank up the pop-up camper.
The beautiful sunset over the lake. This was a "lucky" over-the-shoulder shot. I am glad it turned out.

So, we went camping this past weekend in Waxhaw, NC. Joshua wanted to go to the fly fishing show in Charlotte and I wanted to go to my high school homecoming. Surprisingly enough these were on the same weekend! So we went. I got to see some of my old buddies which was grand. One of my friends I hadn't seen in probably eight years!! Anyways, that's my sharing. I will post some of my favorite pics from the trip soon...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I got to hold a newborn!

Okay, so this may not be a big deal to some of you, but I got to hold my friend, Leah's newborn baby!! He is tiny! I have always been a bit afraid of holding newborns since they seem so fragile...but I think I am overcoming this fear quickly. Here is the photo Leah took. He is precious!! (His name is Ben by the way...)
Friday, January 25, 2008
Embarrassing moment #1 million....
It has two puppies, sitting side by side and it says,
"I'm exstatic to have you by my side."
Oh yes, this went out to many, many people...many, many people...males and females.... Let's just say at that point, I had to send a message to everyone who got this card and tell them what happened. Now, all I can do is laugh it off. If you are one of the lucky ones who got this card, I hope you liked it. (Leah--I know you're one of them!)
The End.