Alrighty...two bears in one week. Here is the scoop. When we moved into this house almost 3 years ago, the people who lived here before left a bunch of stuff! One thing they left was a trash can full of birdseed! Well, as you know birdseed goes bad after a while, and when we moved in, it had already been sitting for quite some time...but what do ya do with a trash can full of bad bird seed?? So, my hunny was cleaning out the garage this past weekend and decided it was time to dump it! So, he dumped it in the side yard thinking...I wonder if we will have little critters soon... Since then we have had 2 bears (numbers 4 and 5)...rather large critters if you ask me! Number five was a BIGGIE and we took lots of pics of him from our bedroom window. Hope you enjoy...

The other night the window was open and I thought we had another bear in the yard since I heard something scuttering in the seed area. Joshua shined a flashlight and there were a bunch of little eyes staring back at us. It was our racoon babies all grown up! (Okay so I like to think it was the same babies from a few months ago..who knows.) Today I came home to a big turkey. Usually when we have turkeys it is more than one...well, this guy was a loner. I couldn't get a good, up close picture because they are skittish. This is the best I could do...

This concludes the wildlife lesson of today. I think we should start charging people admission to come over...we could be the new Nature Center! Ha.
We went to the Bangkok Zoo a couple weeks ago, and my Thai friends were amazed to see a bear. Too bad they don't live with you! I just wanted to see the hippos, lions, tigers, and giraffe! hope you're good.
Wow! That bear is huge. Bears never visit our house on the other side of the mountain, but I think it's because of our ferocious dogs.
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