Writing has always been a passion of mine, and as I continue to experience life and grow older, I find myself wanting to share my journey. It has joys and pitfalls, mountains and valleys...but one thing remains constant and that is the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Diaper Dilemma
Friday, August 22, 2008
This is National Geographic LIVE!

The other night the window was open and I thought we had another bear in the yard since I heard something scuttering in the seed area. Joshua shined a flashlight and there were a bunch of little eyes staring back at us. It was our racoon babies all grown up! (Okay so I like to think it was the same babies from a few months ago..who knows.) Today I came home to a big turkey. Usually when we have turkeys it is more than one...well, this guy was a loner. I couldn't get a good, up close picture because they are skittish. This is the best I could do...
This concludes the wildlife lesson of today. I think we should start charging people admission to come over...we could be the new Nature Center! Ha.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Bear Sighting Number Four
Monday, August 11, 2008
My finds at WeeTrade
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I love a good deal, don't you?
Dates and Times for the Sale:
Friday 8am-6pm
Saturday 8am-5pm
Sunday "Discount Day" Noon-4pm
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The BIG news!
baby in the womb is....
My intuitions have been completely wrong for these past few months, and our precious little girl has been called a boy all this time. Poor little thing. Now we know, so we can be better parents. Haha. We are so excited about having a girl in a few months. The thought of Joshua with a little girl melts me. Anyways, I will write more when I am not worn out from a day outside.
Thanks for all the prayers...keep them coming!