Writing has always been a passion of mine, and as I continue to experience life and grow older, I find myself wanting to share my journey. It has joys and pitfalls, mountains and valleys...but one thing remains constant and that is the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Snow Days...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I heart flowers!

So, as some of you may know I have been having this terrible week that has continued to get worse. Well, today I whined to Leah about the latest tragedy...she is a wonderful listener. Then a few hours later I hear the doorbell ring. There is Leah and Ben with beautiful daisies for me!! What a wonderful surprise. I am so blessed. God is so good to give us wonderful friends and sweet surprises when we really do not deserve them. I think I am about to cry so I am gonna go now.
Thank you, Leah!!! I love you!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Laugh for the day...

So, Joshua was outside playing with the dogs and smoking a cigar in a nice jacket. I told him not to wear the jacket because it would make it stink. So, he came inside, put a sweater on instead and went back out. I told him the sweater was no better. (Heaven forbid I would have to go to the dry cleaners!)
So, he surprised me at the window, outside, in the COLD...with no top on at all...showing his muscles. I have not laughed this hard in a LOOONG time. So, I went outside with my camera and made him pose again. I thought I would show you so you could smile too. I love my muscle man.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
When bad weeks get worse...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Camping this weekend.

Here are the pics I promised.
Josh is getting ready to crank up the pop-up camper.
The beautiful sunset over the lake. This was a "lucky" over-the-shoulder shot. I am glad it turned out.

So, we went camping this past weekend in Waxhaw, NC. Joshua wanted to go to the fly fishing show in Charlotte and I wanted to go to my high school homecoming. Surprisingly enough these were on the same weekend! So we went. I got to see some of my old buddies which was grand. One of my friends I hadn't seen in probably eight years!! Anyways, that's my sharing. I will post some of my favorite pics from the trip soon...