Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well I am happy to announce that my trees and azaleas made it through the last two cold nights!  Yay!  I know you are thrilled.  Oh and we think our hot tub works.  Yay!  

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ode to a Cherry blossom tree

So, if you live in Asheville you know that the weather here is WACKY!!  As in...snow flurries in April!  It frustrates me how it always seems to frost or almost frost after my trees and bushes are starting to bud.  Well, I am prepared this year, my friends!  I have covered up my azalea bushes (see below) and even my day lilies get their own pillow cases (heehee).  How lovely my yard looks now.  Haha.  

Now, my BEAUTIFUL cherry blossom tree(above on right) that has only been blooming for a whopping weekend may not make it tonight.  (The weather is still "up in the air"-pardon the unintentional pun there.)  Here's to hoping...but let's be realistic.  Her blossoms may surely die in the cold night.  So, I went outside and spent some time with her on this nasty, cold, wet day to make sure she knows she is loved.  I think she knows it now...  



Monday, April 7, 2008

Random spring cleaning...or something.

So we came home after a LONG day at work...and soccer for Joshua. I have decided since one pair of my jeans did not even remotely fit me the other day that I would jog up and down our looong driveway a few times. I figured out last year that if you go up and down it three times it is about a mile. I hope that's right. Anyways, so I did that. Then I saw a weed in my flower bed in the front and decided I was going to start weeding out my front beds...which lead to raking leaves...which lead to raking leaves all over the place. In the meantime, Jack is bringing us his ball to chuck every few minutes. Needless to say it was a beautiful afternoon outside. Both dogs are now asleep. My arms feel like they may just fall off...and I hope I sleep good tonight from being tired. We shall see. Okay enough random ramble. I love pretty days!!! The End.